Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 8. Reflections

Past is a Noise
Present is a Choice
Future is in your Voice
Author Unknown
Submitted by Sujatha Kanthan --- India

We, teachers, need to focus on the right choice, on development. “Computer literacy is a necessity, not a luxury” any more. (Gwen Dolyn) Our e-course has opened so many options for us. My instructor Courtney is 6 000 miles away from me, but she has taught me so many useful things that I feel like a sponge full of water. Courtney’s wiki is her personal study. Nicenet is our classroom. Main website is our syllabus and library. Jupiter Grades is the register. All these possibilities are open to us due to the global network. I wouldn’t know my course mates if not for the internet. Our course is a good choice in the present. It inspires us to have a voice in future!

This week we have continued exploring and enhancing our web skills by creating online tests, exercises, crosswords and puzzles. I really liked Easy Test Maker as it offers a variety of different exercises such as multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blank, matching. I usually like when my test looks good, and it takes me a lot of time to design it properly. This tool solves this question.However Easy Test Maker dosn't contain pictures like Tools for Educators but I couldn't save my worksheet.

I have shared with my colleagues the links to ClassBlog261, and ClassBlog262. My students and I are looking forward to further communication and collaboration! We are waiting for you at our blogs!

This week the USA celebrated Thanksgiving Day. I would like to congratulate everyone on this wonderful occasion. I am very thankful to God for this scholarship, for my dear colleagues and Courtney!

Another important event took place on November, 22. This is the Independence Day in Lebanon! What is important to my colleagues in important to me. Congratulations, Paula!

Finally I came across a very good cartoon that I would like to share with you. It is entitled The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. I want to share just one comment: “I have no words to describe this. Even if I cried for a solid month, it couldn't even begin to explain the magnitude of this beauty. Just, wow." (Silver Wolfblaze) I think it is about us!



  1. Hi, Ina.

    What a truly beautiful post you have created for this week. I love the quote you begin with and how you incorporate our class into the message behind this quote. Like you said, we have so many resources for our library, classroom and syllabus, thanks to the resources that Courtney has provided us! It has truly been a learning experience.

    I am glad to see that your students are excited about their class blogs. You have really motivated them to reach out and to get to know the rest of the world! Thank you for the kind Thanksgiving wishes for my country. I am always homesick during holidays like this! Also, it is sweet that you have remembered Paula and Lebanon's Independence Day! She had a very hard time during this holiday!

    I hope that your final project has come along well! I know you are doing great things, and it has been a pleasure getting to know you during this course!

    Good luck in week 9!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Evelyn,

      When I finished writing my draft I liked it. But suggestions from Raj and Mary, my peer readers, will help me improve my report. I am very thankful to them. Peer reading is a wonderful method to look at the same work from different perspective. I will use peer reading with my students!


  2. Hi Ina,

    What a lovely blog you have! Your clip about the fantastic flying books goes very well with your background.

    Thank you for comparing Easy Test Maker with Tools for Educators. That's always helpful, because we can't go through all the material/resources.

    I share your feelings of thanksgiving and am still amazed at the opportunities and resources the Internet provides.

    I hope we all will keep our blogs, because that way we can still stay in touch and continue this professional learning community.

    Best wishes,


    1. Hi Mireille,

      I consider we should keep our blogs! I don't want to lose the connection with any of our colleagues. Everyone is unique!

      My husband came across the cartoon "Flying Books". I liked it so much. I had an impression that this is about us. We also write or type the book of our lives!


  3. Dear Ina,

    Thank you for your sincere wishes ! It is very true that the internet has shortened distances between us. I am thrilled about our possibility of linking our students to each other via our class blogs. I told my students about the idea and I have a feeling they will connect with yours, but I'll await your instructions on the procedure.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    1. Hi Paula,

      The internet has broken the boundaries. The same ideas, principles, goals unite us, people of different culture, sex, age, religion. I think it is wonderful.

      I will write to you the list of the topics that might interst our students and we shall start blogging. I want us to finish writing the project first of all. We can start with the next week.


  4. Hi Ina - I was searching through the net and found the quote that i had put up on a website. Your blog made an Interesting read!!

  5. Thank you Sujatha Kanthan! The quote is great to my opinion. It reflected best of all our topic of the week. Thank you for sharing it!
